GSA MAS Schedule

Contract Number: 47QTCA20D00E5

Federal, state, local, tribal, and other eligible entities can purchase IT Professional Services at pre-negotiated labor prices, with no need to review and justify requirements.

IT Professional Services – SIN 54151S

IT Professional Services and Solutions include Cloud services, Cognitive computing, Conversion and implementation support, Database planning and design, IT project management, Migration services, Network services, Programming, and Systems analysis, design, and implementation.

Earth Observation Solutions – SIN 541370GEO

Earth Observation Solutions includes Advanced data analytics, Change detection, Crowdsourcing, Delivery to ground and mobile ground terminals, Direct access service to cell phones, ships, aircraft, Geospatial products and services, Imagery, Machine learning, Mosaics, Predictive analytics, Remote sensing and analytical software products, Sensor data includes: Electro-optical, Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Hyperspectral, Geomagnetic field, gravity field, Thermal, Sonar, Other current and emerging technologies, and Other products and services relevant to Earth Observation Solutions.

VNu1TllcGSA MAS Schedule